PRESS RELEASE: The Solution for Investing in ICOs for New Crypto Adopters
July 27, 2018PRESS RELEASE: Digitizing Timber with Blockchain and IoT to Modernize Energy and Manufacturing Sectors in Laos
July 29, 2018
Every day we collate the hottest Cryptocurrency articles from around the web and social media. Below is our reading list for the past 24 hours.
- Binance issue unresolved for months by support staff. Now I can’t even login and access my account
- SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce dissents from SEC decision against Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF
- Daily Discussion Megathread – July 27, 2018
- Go Like / Follow / Retweet Commissioner Pierce’s dissent to show her some support! (And read it, it’s great). She’s the Crypto Heroine.
- I think I went over board but hey they fit the painting American Gothic
- IBM confirms adoption of Stellar on the rise – how will it affect the coin?
- Partner of Stellar Lumens, SatoshiPay takes ‘giant leap’ to go public on London Stock Exchange
- Vechain payout was 1 transaction with 500 clauses! Insane!
- Binance CEO – Vote manipulation will be dealt with, strictly.
- Google’s new updates ban cryptocurrency mining apps on Play Store
- 97% of the Public Supports Bitcoin ETF Request
- “No ETF, Tether manipulation!!” – Here is a list of Banks and other financial institutions that have manipulated Forex and USD time and again…
- Blockport, a hybrid-decentralised social exchange releases its official intro video
- ANON is a PUMP and DUMP Scam
- Hester Peirce Better get over 500k Followers….
- Update for the 1 million plus Steem community. New Byteball wallet includes protocol for sending payments to (July 27 release)
- CBOE SOURCE: Winklevoss denial is irrelevant, and was expected by us…
- SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce Gains Over 7,700 Twitter Followers After SEC Decision Dissent
- This warms my heart.
- MustangChain Partners with Iconic Equestrian Sport Reporter Jaak Pijpen
- Heaviest objects in the universe
- The amount of research I do before letting an alt coin into my portfolio.
- Crypto AR – Coding an application for Android, where you can see the latest price +- with Augmented Reality tech. You just look for a Crypto Logo and the info will be shown on the screen. You will add your favorite crypto by your self. Later I can add graph and some other info.
- Top 3 Testnet Launches of 2018
- Nasdaq ‘holds’ secret meeting to legitimize cryptocurrency, Winklevoss twins’ Gemini representative attends
- PLEASE UPVOTE AND GET THIS TO BINANCE: For the Community Coin of the Month, Mithril (MITH) has been cheating by sending 80,000+ BNB to 160+ different Binance accounts to get 80,000+ votes! Immediate disqualification.
- The Nano devs are getting close to reducing voting traffic by 99.9% by implementing vote by hash, lazy bootstrapping, and reduced vote rebroadcasting