PRESS RELEASE: Electroneum Instant Payment System Test was a Success – 1000 Vendors Invited in to API Instant Pay BETA

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48 hours of silence ended. Electroneum Instant Payment System test was a success and development team already invited 1000 Vendors in to API Instant Pay BETA.

ETN team was working arround the clock for almost a year on this. Electroneum Instant Payment System gives vendors around the world the ability to accept cryptocurrency (ETN) INSTANTLY via their shop tills or via their ecommerce websites . It’s a true game changer and is the next evolutionary step in getting a cryptocurrency adopted and used in an everyday environment.

Electroneum team is extremely excited about what they managed to achieve.

Ever heard people say that cryptocurrencies will never achieve main stream adoption as they are too slow, too hard to work with and hated by governments? Guess what… We’ve changed ALL that today. Instant Payment API system for vendors live in BETA today!

— electroneum (@electroneum) September 12, 2018

Instant Payment API is now OPEN for vendors around the world

Every vendor arround the world can apply to Instant Payment API while it is a BETA version . However, team also states that soon enough all vendors wordwide will be able to implement Electroneum Instant Payment API without a need to apply.

If you are interested in testing this Instant Payment BETA apply HERE .

By the way, selected applicants may have their projects mentioned or promoted by the ETN team.

Please find all needed information on How to use Instant Payment System HERE .

How Electroneum Instant Payment System works

The Vendor API system provides instant notification that a payment has been made. ETN API has webhooks for ecommerce, allowing its servers to “PUSH ” notification to an ecommerce shop via a URL provided by the vendor (in a similar style to a Stripe credit card integration). It also has a “PULL ” notification for ePOS systems behind a firewall, allowing them to poll our API gateway asking if a payment has arrived.

The vendor does not get the cryptocurrency instantly, but Electroneum system acts as a trusted 3rd party to ensure the ETN or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin is sent (their patent covers ETN, Bitcoin and other cryptos) . The vendor knows the payment is sent and will make its way to the blockchain, so they can allow instant checkout – and the customer can walk out of the store with their cup of coffee or checkout online etc .

See how system works in video on youtube .

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