PRESS RELEASE: Digitalization of Healthcare: Time for a Major Change?

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What was just science fiction a century ago, now has become a reality. Today, about 2 billion people use cutting-edge smartphones, we empower our homes with smart IoT devices and we explore the farthest reaches of our galaxy. And yet, we see that some fields still trail behind, unable to adapt fast enough to all the innovations and technologies humans create. This is especially true in case of healthcare.

We are living in the era where the burden of chronic and infectious diseases is rising. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2020, chronic diseases will contribute to almost 73% of all deaths and 60% of the global burden of disease.

Another problem that plagues global healthcare is the extremely skewed ratio of patient to healthcare specialists. 45% of WHO member states report having less than one physician for every 1000 people.

To cater to the rising demands and strains on the healthcare system, we cannot rely only on an increased manpower of specialists. To reduce the burden of preventable and manageable diseases, and effectively provide services to a growing global population, we need technological innovations that will ease and hasten diagnosis, treatment and care methodologies.

Enhancing modern healthcare with high-tech

Technology has the power to transform healthcare. So far, there have been disruptors that dramatically changed how we diagnose, treat and care for the sick. The cardiac pacemaker and defibrillator, X-ray imaging and MRI, prosthetics and implants are all innovations that have brought about a profound change in healthcare.

Today in the 21st century we have other go-ahead technologies ready to enhance healthcare, namely Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Blockchain and IoT.

Using AI, powered by deep machine learning, we can create a better diagnostics that evolves with every single diagnosis and also greatly reduces human errors and time required to perform diagnosis.

The Big Data thus generated from diagnosis of all such systems can be shared over a secured network, that could be powered by blockchain technology and be accessible to healthcare specialists all around the world. In turn, the IoT can connect a variety of devices and interconnect siloed systems to act as a single, massive ecosystem that evolves through machine learning to create exceedingly better and more advanced diagnostic and treatment regimen.

Stem Cell Project – complementing healthcare with state-of-the-art

A Deloitte research paper on top 10 healthcare innovations that will achieve more for less, includes innovations like use of AI, point-of-care diagnostics and telehealth for enhancing the healthcare system. A platform that has already envisaged the incorporation of these aspects in its bid to create a holistic healthcare system is Stem Cell Project .

Stem Cell Project is an ambitious platform that will complement the current healthcare system by incorporation emerging technologies like blockchain and AI. It goes a step further that what is written in the Deloitte research by providing a means of diagnosis from the home of the patient. By creating an AI-based diagnostic and pathological imaging system, it will help patients upload their reports that will be assessed and analysed using AI. This data can be accessed by all specialist doctors from around the world that are part of the network. It is like taking multiple opinions from the best doctors in the world.

Its Virtual Clinic platform will use an AI Bot for early diagnosis of symptoms without the need to visit the hospital or clinic. This will help save time and resources for both doctors and patients. It will also reduce the anxiety that patients feel when visiting the doctor for the first time. In a bid to avoid a visit to the doctor, many patients try to self-medicate, which can be compliсate the health of the patient. The Virtual Clinic will allow patients to contact doctors and be assessed by them within the cosy confines of their homes.

Stem Cell Project endeavours to digitize healthcare by using cutting-edge advancements. It is imperative that we use technology for our benefit. Because, time and again, human endeavour has proved that technology, if rightly used, can transform the healthcare system and create a huge opportunity for treating difficult diseases.

The Stem Cell Project invites you to be part of a revolutionary movement that seeks to transform global healthcare. Its crowdsale starts from 16th October 2018. Currently, the project is in its presale phase. The Soft Cap for the sale is USD 2 million and the Hard Cap is set at USD 125 million.

There are three stages, with different discount in each of them, to purchase the SCC tokens.


First phase of presale: July 16 – September 15, 2018. 1 SCC = $0.10 (300,000,000 SCC tokens)

Second phase of presale: September 16 – October 15, 2018. 1 SCC = $0.12 (400,000,000 SCC tokens)

Public Sale:

October 16 – October 30, 2018. 1 SCC = $0.14 (200,000,000 SCC tokens).

Tokens can be purchased using BTC, ETH and NEO cryptocurrencies.

For more information on the project, please visit the official website and read the whitepaper . Join the community on Telegram to keep up with the latest news on Stem Cell Project.

The post Digitalization of Healthcare: Time for a Major Change? appeared first on CryptoSlate .

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