PRESS RELEASE: BitShares is Currently the Worlds Most Active Blockchain in Last 7 Days Average

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Improving blockchain technologies, rising government support, summits, adoptions, blockchain startups are only a few positive sides in term of blockchain which leads us to one fact – blockchain seems to be the future of all – trust, speed, reliability, convenience, and continuity.

BitShares (BTS) blockchain is currently the worlds most active blockchain in last 7 days average

According to blocktivity  more than 1,605,310 operations were performed inside BTS blockchain in 24 hours and has an average number of 1,623,185 operations in last 7 days which is an amazing result  considering how much changes we experience in cryptocurrency markets every day.  This is 35,8% of operations within all blockchains in the world.

However, absolute transactions per day record still remain for EOS , as in August they hit 10,111,725 operations, but BitShares were always breathing to EOS back and now BTS just left all of its competitors behind.

Top 10 most used blockchains in the world

Here’s the list of top 10 the currently the most used blockchains. Worth to mention, that:

in August Bitcoin was in a 6th position with 232 341 operations in 24 hours, but today, September 17th, 2018 Bitcoin is in the 5th place with 450,751 operations within 24 hours which is a very positive sign.

NANO is currently in 11th place, but there are only 60 transactions per day gap between NANO and Litecoin . So LTC should get moving more actively because NANO is coming for it and aiming to TOP 10.


BitShares is a technology supported by next-generation entrepreneurs, investors, and developers with a common interest in finding free-market solutions by leveraging the power of globally decentralized consensus and decision making.

What do you think about the such an amazing BitShares blockchain sprint?  Let us know your opinion in a comment below.

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